Rhiwbina Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Rhiwbina Bridge Club

Welcome to the web site of Rhiwbina Bridge Club.  We meet at Rhiwbina Memorial Hall.
Please click here to find out more about the hall.

Club Competitions

We have some competitions coming up in March

Club Pairs ( Dorothy Foster Cup)  , Wednesday March 12th . Results  based on scratch score.

Club Pairs (Handicap,  Nancy Gibbon Trophy), Thursday March 13th.  Results  based on handicap.

Club Championship based on the best average percentage throughout the year starting April 1st

Current Timetable for Play at Rhiwbina Bridge Club







Assisted Play at Rhiwbina





Online Realbridge

6.45 pm

7.00 pm

9.00 pm


Duplicate Bridge  at Rhiwbina

6.45 pm

7.00 pm

10.00 pm


Duplicate Bridge  at Rhiwbina

6.45 pm

7.00 pm

9.00 pm

NEW Assisted Play Session

We are starting a new assisted play session on a Monday afternoon, beginning 13 January, to help players taking part in the lessons to get used to a 'real life' duplicate session.  As a result, we hope they will be encouraged to come to our regular face-to-face sessions on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. 

It will be as far as possible a normal duplicate session with computer scoring but only about ten to twelve boards will be played initially in the two-hour period.  If someone gets stuck, they can ask for help!  It would be good if existing members would come along to show support.  You do not need a partner.

Please arrive by 3pm ( which is when the improver's lesson ends) to start play promptly at 3.15 pm and finish by 5.15 pm. But bear in mind that between 3pm and 3.45pm Lon-y-Dail (the only road access) is closed to cars because children will be leaving the school.  If the lights are flashing at the junction with Lon Isa, do not enter or you will be fined.  Just park in the local streets and walk.

Learn to Play Bridge or Improve your Game

The Rhiwbina Bridge Club started two sets of bridge lessons in the Rhiwbina Memorial Hall last September as follows:

1. For complete beginners on a Tuesday afternoon from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm. This is intended for people with no (or very little) knowledge of the game.

2. For improvers on a Monday afternoon from 1 pm to 3 pm. This is intended for people who have a basic knowledge of the game and would like to improve. They may already have been on a previous beginners’ course.

The courses last for three 10-week terms starting in September and continuing until the end of June 2025. The cost is £50 per person per term payable upfront - plus the option of a textbook costing £20.  We will probably start a new series of lessons in September 2025.

Please speak to your friends and relatives, etc. about this and tell them what a fantastic game bridge is!  A poster advertising the lessons is attached which we hope you might be able to display in a suitable place. (A version in Welsh is also available if needed.)

Please ask anybody interested in the lessons to contact: Roger Wright, telephone 07811 509490 or email

We are also looking for club members to help the teachers at the sessions. If you can help, please let Enid Lewis  know so that she can draw up a rota. Enid can be contacted by email:  This past year it has been a case of once every four weeks, so hardly an onerous task. Some people chose to come more frequently!

Poster Beginners Bridge.pdf


Payment of Realbridge Sessions

Please try and keep track of how many Realbridge sessions you have played vs the number you have paid for, rather than waiting for the club to notify you. 

You can see the list by clicking on Realbridge Attendance, which is the 9th item down in the main menu on the left. 

This doesn't tell the whole story though because if you play with a guest you will have to pay for both of you but will only be counted once in the list. 

 Things will run much more efficiently if you can each take responsibility for topping-up your table money credit before it runs chase you for a further payment. 

Information on how to pay can be found by clicking here.

Assisted Play
Assisted Play
Director: Gill