The New Melville Bridge Club
Located not far from Edinburgh Zoo
The place to learn and play bridge in Edinburgh
F2F MP Pairs
F2F XIMP Pairs
OnLine XIMP Pairs
Wednesday Afternoon Pair
Accumulator Week 14
Improver Pairs
Tuesday Bronze Pairs
Mon 22nd Jul 2024
F2F MP Pairs
Pinkhill 12.45 pm
Director: Rona
Mon 22nd Jul 2024
OnLine MP Pairs
BBO 7.00 pm
Director: Tom R
Tue 23rd Jul 2024
Improvers Pairs
Pinkhill 7.00 pm
Director: Edward
Host: M Gray
Tue 23rd Jul 2024
Bronze Pairs
Pinkhill 7.00 pm
Director: Edward
Wed 24th Jul 2024
F2F MP Pairs
Pinkhill 12.45 pm
Director: Rob H
Release 2.19r

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