Newbury Bridge Club
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County Events & Local Charity Events

If you're interested in what might be going on outside the club go to County Calendar / Events on the menu to find out what events are being run by Berks & Bucks, Hants/ IoW, and the Chiltern League. Also see Local Charity bridge Events.

News 2016
The Tommy Freeman Individual Championship Rose Bowl and the Sutton Master Points Vase 2016

The fourth of this year's evening club competitions was decided on Tuesday 20th December when Martin Bevan won the Tommy Freeman Individual Championship Rose Bowl for the first time. Well done Martin!

The fifth, the Sutton Master Points Vase was claimed by John Foster for the first time on Thursday 22nd December. Well done John!

Martin & Claire Bevan also won the Sept-Dec Andrew Robson Trophy

Tuesday Ladder Florence Humphries Bowl 2016 & The Pam Tuplin Challenge Cup

The second of this year's evening club competitions was decided on Tuesday 13th December when Pauline Serby and Peter Cherrett won the Tuesday Ladder Florence Humphries Bowl for the second time. Congratulations to them.

The third was decided on Thursday 15th December when Jackie Woods won the Pam Tuplin Challenge Cup for the second year running. Well done Jackie!

The Amy Baker Salver Pairs Championship 2016

The first of this year's evening club competitions was decided on Tuesday 6th December when Claire and Martin Bevan won the Amy Baker Salver Pairs Championship for the first time. Congratulations to them. This was of particular note as Eleanor Rice and Stuart Strachan had won this competition for the previous 13 years!

Simmons Cup 2016 - Saturday 26th November
Simmons Cup 2016 - Saturday 26th November

In a closely fought match Newbury regained the Simmons Cup beating Basingstoke by 11 Imps. The match venue was Highclere village hall for the first time and was played in good spirits and friendly competition as usual. Well done Newbury!

The successful team was: Stuart Strachan & Eleanor Rice, Brian & Cathy Medhurst, Claire & Martin Bevan, Sula Turpin & Phil Hickman, David Richardson & Evelyn Archer, Eileen & David Barratt,John Foster & John Harland, Judy & Richard Bungey.

Special thanks go to Richard Bungey (captain) and John Harland who co-ordinated the catering

Gretchen Dove

More sad news. Gretchen, Bridget Jones' twin sister, died suddenly on 24th September, after a long illness.  Gretchen played both duplicate and rubber bridge for many years and was a popular member of the Club.
The funeral is at 12 noon on Friday, 21st October, at the West Berkshire Crematorium, and afterwards at the Donnington Valley Hotel.

Gwen Clark

 Tuesday 16th August. More bad news I'm afraid. We have just heard that Gwen Clark who many of us knew very well has died in hospital.
Gwen’s funeral is on Tuesday 6th September at 11.15 a.m. at Thatcham Crematorium. Everyone is also invited afterwards to the Berkshire Arms.

Jean Reid

We have just received the sad news of the death of Jean Reid on Wednesday 10th August following a long illness. Many Club members will remember Jean who enjoyed playing both duplicate and rubber bridge at the Club over many years often with her husband Stuart. The funeral is on Tuesday 23rd August at 1.30pm at West Berkshire Crematorium. 

NBC Charity Evening - Friday 12th August 2016
  • Auction prizes
  • Rene with flowers
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  • The triumvirate

This year's charity dinner was a very enjoyable evening with more than £2000 being raised for Newbury Cancer Care. Richard Bungey was our host. Dr Paul Millard gave a talk on what has already been achieved by the group and their plans for the future. Rene Kirk was presented with a bouquet of flowers for her 80th birthday.The auction went very well with generous bids from those attending. The rubber bridge was won by Jackie Woods and Roz Barnes. Our thanks go to all those involved with the organisation of this extremely successful event, those who donated auction or raffle prizes and to our sponsors for the evening.
Photos: John Foster

Elsie Malone

We have recently heard the sad news that Elsie Malone has died. Funeral at Thatcham Crematorium Monday 8th August 3 pm

John Clarke R.I.P July 2016

It is with regret that we announce that John Clarke, a popular Rubber Bridge player and husband of Bee, died at the weekend. The Funeral Service will be at West Berks Crematorium on Wed 27th at 12.45. prompt followed by a wake at the Angel on the A4. No flowers or weaths please but monetary donations may be made to the Funeral Director in aid of the Sue Ryder Foundation.

Roger Kirby RTH Teams of Four Final

Congratulations to Bridget Jones' team (Bridget Jones, John Holt, Claire & Martin Bevan) who beat Joan Cherrett' s team (Joan & Peter Cherrett, Gill Weeks  & Keith Terrell)  15-5 in the final played on Monday 20th June.

Happy Birthday Brian

At the Rubber Bridge session on Monday 6th June Brian Hawkins was presented with a card and a cake to celebrate his 90th birthday.
He then proceeded to bid a slam on the first hand on the evening!

The Catherine Howell Memorial Cup

Congratulations to Eileen Barratt, David Barratt, Cathy Medhurst & Brian Medhurst who have won the Catherine Howell Memorial Cup which is awarded to the highest finishing all-HIWCBA team in the annual Green-Pointed Swiss Teams competition played this year at Andover on 22nd May. 

Edie Gurr RTH Rubber Competition 2015-16

Well done to Madeline Lawson and Jill Vaughan who have won this year's competition beating Sula Turpin and Phil Hickman in the Final. See Competition Tables 2016 for full results.

Success in Portland Pairs

On Sunday 20th March Pauline Serby partnering John Moore, another Hants & IOW player, came 3rd nationally in the Portland Cup, the EBU's mixed pairs championship. Considering there were 360 pairs taking part in venues around the country this was a marvellous achievement. Well done Pauline!

Southern Salver 2016 - Sunday 20th March
Southern Salver 2016 - Sunday 20th March


This year's Southern Salver was won by Brian Medhurst. Runner-up was John Foster. Well done Brian and John. There were 32 participants and prizes were presented to the top quarter of the field.
Alison John was 3rd, Bill Washington 4th. They're pretty good results too. Christine Oliver and Ann McMahon were 5th=, John Holt 7th & Eileen Barratt 8th.

Everyone enjoyed the afternoon and the excellent tea provided by the caterers. Thanks go to Ann McMahon for directing and to John Foster for scoring.

Photo by Eileen Barratt

Happy 90th Matthew
Happy 90th Matthew


Matthew Stratton, our longest serving member,was 90 on Thursday 3rd March 2016.
On Tuesday 1st March he was presented  with a card, signed by  club members, by our chairman Richard Bungey.

Happy Birthday Matthew

Photo by Madeline Lawson

Simmons Cup (2015) Saturday 30th January 2016

This annual fixture for mixed pairs beween Newbury and Basingstoke Bridge Clubs was played this year at Basingstoke Bridge Club.(This was actually the 2015 Simmons Cup which had been delayed) It was a close-fought match but Basingstoke won in the end 108-87 regaining the trophy Newbury won in 2014. Ann McMahon, the Newbury Captain, thanked Basingstoke for their hospitality and an excellent tea and duly presented the cup to the Basingstoke captain, Helen Kinloch.

The Newbury team was: Ann McMahon & Bill Wells, Sula Turpin & Phil Hickman, Evelyn Archer & David Richardson, Claire & Martin Bevan, Nicola Foster & John Harland, Eileen & David Barratt, Cathy & Brian Medhurst, Eleanor Rice & John Foster

New Year Party 2016
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This was another very successful evening enjoyed by all. Martin Osgood was our host. Our new president Stuart Strachan presented the prizes. The food was excellent and our thanks go to the staff of the Hilton Hotel, and to all those club members who did so much of the organisation notably Richard & Judy Bungey, Martin & Janet Osgood, David Barratt, Nicola Foster, John Harland and Jackie Woods.