Naas Trumps
Release 2.19r
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Welcome to Naas Trumps


President's Prize 2024
President's Prize 2024

Congratulations to Pat & Mary O'Brien

Winners of this year's President's Prize

President's Prize 2023
  • Conor and Diane
  • Margaret and Johanne
  • Michael and Liz
  • Phil and Kieran

Congratulations to Conor & Diane

Winners of this year's Presidents Prize - presented by Lynda 

Well done also to runners up Liz & Michael, Kieran & Phil and Margaret & Johanne

Bridge Tutorials
Bridge Tutorials

A big thanks to Christine, Kathie & Valerie for their great lessons given before bridge over the last couple of months

Hopefully it is something we can repeat again next season


Every week we will be putting up a tip on general bridge etiquette here on the Home Page and a more detailed tip on an aspect of bidding or play on the Tips Page

This week's bidding tip is about a JUMP-SHIFT bid - details on the Tips Page

This week's general tip is about leaving the tricks won or lost on the table until BOTH sides have agreed the number of tricks made.  It is very common to see players sweep their cards up saying at the same time something like "Bid and Made - Well Done".  What do you then do if the opposition say they have made +1?  If your cards are no longer on the table in the won/lost positions then you have no choice but to give them their +1...!


This weeks bidding tip tells us when to jump a level when responding to our partner's opening bid of 1 of a suit


Committee Meeting 24th September 2019

See committee meeting report under News Page on left

Try Vubridge (let us know what you think)

New: Vu-Bridge Defender

Click here to play free hands

V-Green e-Newsletter: improve your Bridge skills - all levels

event 2
Scorer: Moling Ryan
Scorer: Moling Ryan
Scorer: Moling Ryan
Scorer: Moling Ryan
President's Welcome
President's Welcome

As we finally get back to "real" bridge,  I would like to welcome back both existing and new members.  While we thank most sincerely those who kept us going online through Covid, you can't beat face to face bridge.  I especially want to thank the previous  committee for all their support and hard work. As a result, we have a thriving club. And, going forward, I hope everyone has a very enjoyable year playing bridge.

Lynda McLoughlin - President 2022/23

A huge thanks from us all to Margaret who made the Christmas Party go with a real swing.  "The 12 Days of Christmas" was a real highlight....!!

Programme for year
event 2
Scorer: Moling Ryan
Scorer: Moling Ryan
Scorer: Moling Ryan
Scorer: Moling Ryan