The main aim of the website is to keep current members up-to-date with club activities and to attract new members.
We are a very friendly club and try to cater for all levels of bridge. We can direct you to novice and intermediate classes, gentle bridge initiatives and so on.
We hope that newcomers to Kelso and its surroundings will discover the site and will be tempted to join us.
We play duplicate every Wednesday and Thursday throughout the year at 7pm in the Abbey Row Centre, Kelso, TD5 7BJ.
There is a free carpark at the back of Abbey Row. Please be seated by 6:45pm for a prompt start at 7pm.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided at 50p per person.
Visitors are very welcome but please contact the Secretary in advance.
Kelso Bridge Club Committee 2024 - 25
President - Quentin McLaren
Vice President - Paul Hunt
Secretary - Shirley Redgrave - 07974 790521
Treasurer - Helen Todd - 0773 6944413
Match point Secretary - Brian Saywood - 01890 885909
Tournament Director - Jean McLaren
Committee Members:
Lindy Mastenbroek-Andrew, Anne Coles, Sheena McPherson and John Loudon