Hunstanton Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Bridge Lessons

Learn to play bridge quickly

8-Week fast track course starting
9th October 2024
7pm – 9.30 pm
Old Hunstanton Village Hall
1st lesson is free to try!
Click here to book
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Pages viewed in 2024
Sunday Pairs (online)
Summer Party
Thursday Pairs
Welcome to Hunstanton Bridge Club


There is no bridge on Thursday 18th July and 25th July

Trophy presentation

Thursday 1st August 2024 6.30pm

The trophies will be presented to the 2024 competitions' winners

Image designed by

A club with a friendly atmosphere - players of all levels welcome


Sunday Thursday Friday
Online Pairs
Duplicate Pairs
OH Village Hall
Supervised Bridge
OH Village Hall
Prompt start at 7pm Please be seated by 6.30pm We have stopped for the summer
In collaboration with Newcastle-under-Lyme BC Complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits We resume on 20th September 2024
£1.50 members, £2 visitors £3 members, £4 visitors £3 members, £4 visitors
Click on the link in the calendar to log in Click here for a guide for new players Click here for more info


Visitors are most welcome, please click here to register prior your first session


Top Players of the Month

June 2024

  Top Pairs Bridge on Friday
  Pairs     Top Players
1 Peter C. & Peter I. 66.91%   1 Susie Prendergast 68.72%
      2       Peggy J. & Robert S. 63.62% 2 Roger Pearce 63.08%
      3       Richard W. & Tony G. 59.41% 3 Helen Riddington 62.02%
  Best improvers Best improver
  Pat C. & Sue M. +7   Helen Stone +24
  Mike J. & Susie P. +7        

  Click here for the leaderboard     Click here for the leaderboard
We are cashless

Regardless whether you play online or at the Village Hall, you will be billed monthly in arrears.

By playing in a session, you are committing to make your payment within 7 days upon receipt of the bill.

The club uses BridgeWebs to record table money and payments.

Thu 18th July 2024
* Cancelled *
Sun 21st July 2024
Sunday Pairs (online)
RealBridge 7pm
Director: Laurent
 RealBridge Login
Thu 25th July 2024
No Bridge (Flower Festival)
Sun 28th July 2024
Sunday Pairs (online)
RealBridge 7pm
Director: Neil
 RealBridge Login
Thu 1st August 2024
Trophy presentation
OH Village Hall 6.30pm
Director: Laurent
Scorer: Rebecca
Sun 4th August 2024
Sunday Pairs (online)
RealBridge 7pm
Director: Laurent
 RealBridge Login
Thu 8th August 2024
Thursday Pairs
OH Village Hall 6.30pm
Director: Laurent
Scorer: Andrew
Sun 11th August 2024
Sunday Pairs (online)
RealBridge 7pm
Director: Neil

Talking Bridge

June 2024

Click here to read issue 12