We will be delighted to welcome you to our classes whether you're in Hull, East Yorkshire or across the Humber
contact us to start or continue your bridge journey
Learn new skills, give your brain cells a boost, meet new people
and all while sitting down!
BRIDGE LESSONS for Hull, East Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire |
Welcome to the Humber Bridge School.
If you live in Hull, East Yorkshire or North Lincolnshire and are thinking of starting bridge or want to brush up your game, we'd like to help you along your bridge-playing journey. We aim to make it a long and happy one.
What a good choice you have made. Not only is it good for the brain but research in the USA and more recently in the UK has shown bridge to have other health benefits too.
Plus, it's an enjoyable and social game (and you sit down to play!) It does not matter if you have no experience of card-playing so don't worry if that's the case. You will play a game of bridge before the end of the first lesson!
There is a Consolidation Course for those who have successfully completed a beginners' course. Or if you are returning to bridge then this is the perfect refresher course.
This is followed by an Intermediate course to continue building your bridge knowledge and expertise.
Not what you're looking for? Please contact us about alternatives.
The classes are led by Penny Joseph who is an EBU-qualified teacher. Penny has been playing bridge for 28 years and says she still learns something new every week, "Bridge is a great game and one where there is always something new to learn, so you never get bored with it.
We aim in our classes to build up your knowledge like bricks in a wall, so that you end up with a solid structure on good foundations for your bridge-playing.
I can still remember what it was like when I was attending beginners' classes. Initially you think that you are the only one who doesn't "get it" whereas in reality everyone in the class feels exactly the same! Then you have those "light bulb moments" when things begin to fall into place and you appreciate the value of getting to grips with the basic system from the start."
More details below, and on the Information page.
Our Bridge Courses |
Each course consists of two sets of classes, usually 10 in each. A third set of classes can be arranged to revise the course and practise what you have learnt.
We also provide Stepping Stones Practice Play sessions to practise what you have learnt
There are also Gentle Bridge sessions run In conjunction with Hull Bridge Club
Please contact us for more information and to register interest in any course.
Private lessons can also be arranged.
Thinking of brushing up your play or expanding your knowledge?
Join the Stepping Stones DupLicate sessions at our Ferriby venue or our Gentle Bridge session at Hull Bridge Club. No partner necessary.
With more experience we'll encourage you to graduate to Hull Bridge Club duplicate sessions on Sunday pm, and then Thursday evenings as well. Just contact us for further details
(Also see side panel)
so if you're thinking of starting YOUR bridge journey
Beginners, you'll play a hand of bridge by the end of the first class!
New classes
At Hull Bridge Club or at our Ferriby venue.
Register your interest now for the next Beginners, Improvers & Intermediate courses
(click main menu - Information - contact us)
And don't forget: Bridge is enjoyable & it's PROVEN to be good for you too!
Practice Play |
Sessions held at Hull Bridge Club
The more you practise the more you learn
"Gentle Bridge" on Wednesday afternoons
1 pm start
All welcome
Sunday Social Bridge 2 pm start
Host service
Intermediate level welcome
At our Ferriby venue
Stepping Stones DupLicate practice session
with guidance on bidding and leads
on most Tuesday evenings
Contact us for further details
N.B. Any event on the calendar which says "Host: Yes" plus all practice sessions are ones where you can come without arranging a partner first
Notes from previous lessons may be found on the Hull Bridge Club website
12th January 2025 |
Sunday Social, Intermediate welcome |
Host: Yes |