We had been planning and saving for our own Clubhouse for what seems a long time but finally everything came together.
The Briefing Session in January 2016 gave unanimous approval to lodge the Development Application with Council for the Clubhouse as per the plans exhibited.
Following receipt of Council approval of our DA, a Special General Meeting was held on 21st April 2017 where Members gave their unanimous approval for the motion to proceed with the construction of our Clubhouse.
With Council approval to proceed, the contract for construction of the Clubhouse was signed on 8 June 2017.
The construction phase began in August 2017 and was completed in January 2018. We held our first session, hosting the Grange Bridge Group, on Monday 29 January. The Official Opening Ceremony was held on 23 March 2018.
We received a loan from the Australian Bridge Federation and interest free loans from Members to enable us to complete the construction.
We are delighted that hard work by our Members has enabled all of these loans to be repaid and we are now debt-free.
Our Clubhouse, located at 26 Yamba Street, is within an easy walking distance to the Hawks Nest Shopping Precinct. It is well equipped with a modern Audio Visual system, can comfortably accommodate 24 tables in a carpeted playing area and has a services area including tea room, toilets and office. It is available also for use by other similar community organisations, at a modest fee which will help our cash flow.
Our Postal Address is : PO Box 178, Hawks Nest NSW 2324.