Terry Stevens Memorial 2025 |
Congratulations to
Robert Elliott and Simon Moorman
A big THANK YOU to all the players
who raised a fantastic £286
for the British Heart Foundation
!! New !! Supervised Session !! New !!
Saturday 2pm
£5 pp, everybody welcome
Each week at 1.45 to 2pm, Bernie or Ashley will do a short masterclass on various bridge topics.
First Class Bridge Academy and Club |
Welcome to the website of First Class Bridge
We have just moved up to the 23rd busiest club in England
There is bridge played at Barleylands every day from Monday to Saturday catering for every level from complete beginners to the very highest echelon of bridge players. Most sessions are hosted so you can just turn up and play without a partner.
There are regular starter courses for complete beginners and a number of supervised bridge sessions for those wishing to go to the next level.
Club Sessions 2023 |
Monday Afternoon 13.30 - Club Session - NOT HOSTED
Tuesday Afternoon 13.30 - Club Session - Hosted
Wednesday Morning 11:00 to 1pm - Supervised
Wednesday Evening 19.30 - Jubilee BC Club Session Hosted
Thursday Morning 10:00 - Club Session - Improvers Hosted
Friday supervised 11am to 3.30pm with Coral and Jon
Come in anytime and leave anytime.(Up to 3hrs £6.50- all day £8.50)
Saturday Morning 9.30 - BBO online (merged with Club session)
Saturday Morning 10.30 - Club Session (merged with BBO session) - Hosted
It is appreciated that if you are requiring a partner that you be there by 15 min before starting time.
No membership required - All are welcome
For any queries please contact Petra on 07990-512386