Dunboyne Bridge Club
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This website is for the benefit of members of Dunboyne Bridge Club.  If you have any suggestions about the presentation or content, please contact us using the link in the 'Information' and 'Contact Us' menu options.
Welcome to Dunboyne Bridge Club
Summer Bridge
Summer Bridge


Dunboyne Bridge Club is now open for Summer Bridge

Non-club members are welcome throughout the Summer

Welcome to Dunboyne Bridge Club

Dunboyne Bridge Club is a members only club that plays in the

Old School House, Main Street, Dunboyne on Monday evenings 

Play starts promptly at 7.15 pm

To facilitate the set up of the Bridgemates we ask players to be seated by 7.05 p.m.

Non-members are very welcome to play in our club during June, July and August

Club Information

Need a partner?

If you need a partner to play with text the matchmaker, (Bernie Ryan, at 086 073 6603 - on holidays) Breda Barry 086 157 1796

Not receiving emails?

Don't miss out on email notifications - if you aren't receiving emails from the club send an email to dunboynebridgeclub@gmail.com

Whatsapp Group

The club has a WhatsApp Group which is used to send brief messages and reminders to club members

Only certain committee members can send messages to the group 

If you are not in the WhatsApp group and would like to join it email dunboynebridgeclub@gmail.com


Competition Winners

We would  like to congratulate the winners of  our 2023/24 Club Competitions as follows:

Championship Pairs Competition held on 15th and 22nd April:

1st Place: Phil Dempsey and Mary Whelan

2nd Place: Kevin Gorman and John Moran

3rd Place: Barry Leahy and Debbie Leahy

President's Prize Competition held on 12th and 19th of February:

1st Place: Ann McCartney

2nd Place: Debbie Leahy

rd Place: Barry Leahy

Team of 4 Competition held on 16 October:

1st Place: Anne Shaw, Mary Cronin, Mary Lyons and Bernie Hickey

2nd Place: Catherine Carroll, Noirín Casey, Emer Wallace and Justin Wallace

                    3rd Place: Breda Barry, Carmel Campbell, Carmel Seery and Michael Connolly

Competition Winners

Pictured on the left is the winner of the President's Prize, Ann McCartney, with the Club President, Teresa Keegan

Pictured on the right are the winners of the Championship Pairs Competition, Mary Whelan and Phil Dempsey, pictured with the Club 

President, Teresa Keegan





Do's and Dont's



The following was issued by the Mid-Leinster Region of the CBAI.

Do’s and Don’ts at Bridge

  1. A player may not correct partner’s mistaken explanation of a bid or signal.
  2. If partner hesitates before calling, a player must show that the action now chosen could not have been influenced by the hesitation.
  3. Your opponents are entitled to know of any partnership agreement you may have.
  4. A player may only ask for an explanation when it is their turn to call.
  5. Lead face down, but turn the card over before dummy is shown.
  6. Check your tricks.  Agree score.  Have contract and result entered before spoiling your won/lost cards.
  7. Do not accept the decision of opponents if a ruling is required.  The T.D. is responsible for all rulings.
  8. Players have a duty to ascertain how opponents communicate:
    Basic system – Acol or Precision or . . .
    Variations – strength of NT, 4 or 5 card majors, etc.
    Other – discards, leads, signals, etc.
  9. Bids above 3NT should not be alerted unless they occur on the first round of bidding.
  10. Defenders may ask one another about possible revokes.



Calendar of Events 2023 - 2024

Dunboyne Bridge Club

Calendar of Events 2024

Jan 22nd

Club Dinner

Feb 12th & 19th  

President’s Prize (2 Weeks)

Mar 4th 

CBAI Simultaneous Pairs

Mar 11th 

Easter Egg Competition

April 15th & 22nd  

Club Championship Pairs (2 Weeks)

May 20th Summer Party

May 27th


Bridge Lessons

Click on link below to see details on CBAI website of bridge classes for all levels

Bridge Classes

Details of Bridge Teachers in the Mid Leinster Region are also available on the Mid Leinster website (link below)

Mid Leinster Region

Summer Bridge
Summer Bridge
Summer Bridge
Summer Bridge
Summer Bridge
Summer Bridge
Comp a
Single Comprtition
Single Competition
Championship Pairs - Week 2
Championship Pairs - Week 1
Mon 29th Jul 2024
TD: Mary Lyons
Set Up: Barry and Debbie
Bridgemates: Breda Barry
Lock Up: Teresa Keegan
Mon 5th Aug 2024
No Bridge
Mon 12th Aug 2024
TD: Bernie Hickey
Set Up: Teresa and Nora Lynch
Bridgemates: Breda Barry
Lock Up: Catherine/Constance
Mon 19th Aug 2024
TD: Carmel Campbell
Set Up: Catherine and Constance
Bridgemates: Róisín O'Gorman
Lock Up: Ronnie Carroll
Mon 26th Aug 2024
TD: Constance Cunningham
Set Up: Ronnie and Marie Kehoe
Bridgemates: Róisín O'Gorman
Lock Up: Eleanor Greene