Welcome |
We welcome all bridge players to our warm and comfortable premises. Parking is available at the rear of the club accessed via the Doncaster Sports Club entrance. We currently run duplicate bridge sessions on several afternoons and Thursday and Friday evenings. See the Information box on the left. Our club is a private members' club providing extensive facilities for its members and visitors. These include a well-stocked bar and soft-drink refreshments. We are an 'accessible' club having a wheelchair access ramp at the rear of the club and inside, a lift connecting the downstairs playing and social areas of the club to the upstairs playing area and kitchen facilities. Toilets (including accessible toilets) are situated on both floors of our premises.
We look forward to welcoming you to our club to join in and play our favourite card game. We also welcome enquiries from players looking for a 'half-way house' so that teams do not have to travel so far when needing to play that all important NICKO or other competition match.
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Spare player Available Sessions |
♥ Please note that a spare player will continue to be available for the 1pm Monday and1pm Wednesday afternoon and 7pm Thursday evening bridge sessions . ♥
No partner needed.
Come along and you will be guaranteed a game.
Irene Chesterton R.I.P. |
It is with sadness that the club has learnt that Irene Chesterton passed away recently at the age of 104. Irene had been a member of the bridge club for several years and was a regular and very popular attendee on Wednesday afternoons until we were forced to close the club owing to the lockdown. When we reopened, we were informed by her daughter Sheila that Irene had regretfully decided not to return to bridge. When it was her birthday, Irene would always supply generous refreshments for the players. She would stand up and give a little speech saying, as she approached her mid-nineties and beyond, that all her birthdays had become special. It remains a pity that the bridge club was closed when Irene celebrated her 100th birthday.
Irene was a shrewd declarer player and she would keep a careful count of the cards that had been played. It is a tribute to her that she continued to play bridge, despite her failing eyesight.
Irene was a keen golfer and insisted on playing eighteen holes well into her nineties. “It’s not worth playing just nine holes,” she would be heard to remark. When she was in her late nineties, she was interviewed on television for her outstanding golf achievements.
We are awaiting the details of the funeral, which will be announced on the website as soon as we have them.
The bridge club offers sincere condolences to Sheila and to Irene’s wider family.
The funeral is on 11th March at 12 noon at Rosehill Crematorium and afterwards at Town Moor Golf Club
EBU Corwen Trophy Qualifiers |
Three Doncaster members were amongst the 10 qualifiers for the EBU's Corwen Trophy, the counties' pairs championship.
Congratulations to Geoff Kenyon, Bob Brown and David Beresford.
The remaining 7 players representing Yorkshire comprise Geoff's partner Nick Woolven from Leeds BC and pairs from Sheffield, Malton and York.
A good showing from our lads!"