Release 2.19r
Devizes Bridge Club operates under the EBU's Best Behaviour at Bridge.
Remember - be polite to your partner, your opposition and the director.
The director is there to help - let them sort the issue.
Master Point Promotions

Well done to the following recent Masterpoint promotions

Feb 2025

Mandy Melaragni to Area Master

Aldo Melaragni to Area Master

Website Tips

You can use the website to 

find partner. For instructions,

Click here

Welcome to Devizes Bridge Club
Devizes at the Heart of Wiltshire
Devizes at the Heart of Wiltshire
Entries for Friday 14 March - AGM

AGM to start at 6.10pm followed by bridge for Chairman's Cup

All partnerships are welcome, please enter your names if you are coming. 

If you would like to play but need a partner, please contact either Ann Baker or Anne Rogan - for email and phone details, please click here.


Entries for Thursday 20 March

Please arrive by 9.30am for 9.45am start.

All partnerships are welcome, and please enter your names as soon as possible. If you need a partner, please contact Ann Baker or Anne Rogan, or click here to find out how to find your own partner.


Qualifiers for 9-high Corwen

Congratulations to Alan Day and Jane Karfoot who came 3rd in the Wiltshire qualifying event for the 9--high Corwen held on BBO on 2nd February. They will now go forward, with two other pairs from Wiltshire to the final of the EBU 9-high Corwen on 31st May 2025. For more information about the 9-high Corwen, please click here. Good luck Alan and Jane!

Children-in-Need Ranking and Commentary

Thanks to all those who took part in our Children in Need Charity Sim Pairs Event

You raised an amazing £249 today for the charity.

You can Click here to see how you ranked nationally against 1007 other pairs playing in the same event throughout the UK 

Well done to Lucy and Peter who came 93rd, also to Brigid and Michael 216th and to Penny and Mandy 261st.

Click here  for a full commentary on each hand you played.

Club Information

On Wednesday we play online on BBO and on Thursday and Friday at the Nursteed Centre (map)

Visitors and guests are welcome to play at Devizes BC on either evening but please call our Secretary, Chair or Treasurer beforehand. Contact details here

We start our games on Wednesday 7:00pm, Friday 6:45pm, on Thursday we start at 9.45am.  Whether playing online or at Nursteed please sign in/arrive by no later than 15 minutes before the start.  We finish around 9pm online on Wednesday's, around 12.45pm on Thursday's and 10:15pm face-to-face at Nursteed on Friday's.

We are affiliated to The English Bridge Union through the Wiltshire Contract Bridge Association.

At Nursteed all boards are duplimated and the hands and results can be seen on this website after play finishes.  Scoring is by BridgeMates and is displayed at the Club.

We have a break for tea, coffee and biscuits at mid-session.

We operate a Partnering System for members and visitors.  For further details please contact Ann Baker or Anne Rogan here.

Playing in Devizes BC BBO Tournament Event on Wednesday Evenings
Please note that when playing in one of our online games it is very important that you register to play at least 10 minutes before the start time of 7pm.
Registration opens at 5.00pm and you are asked to register as early as you can.  If you have not registered for by 6.50 pm then you will be excluded from playing.  If you send an invite to your partner and they have not responded by 6.50 then please cancel the invite.  It is always recommended you first call your partner and agree a time to register as soon after 5pm that you can.  This will ensure inclusion for you and your partner.  You do not need to stay online once you have registered but please make sure you are back on line by no later that 6.55pm so the TD can set up the movement in good time.  Setting up a game on BBO is relatively straight forward but during the final few minutes before the start time the TD has several things to consider and late arrivals can have an impact on the movement which may have to be changed and may mean the inclusion of robots.  We do NOT want to play against robots as this invariably puts an unfair slant on the final result.  When the Robots do score well then they may be removed from the final results so the BBO and EBU points awarded to them are automatically awarded to 'humans'.  When a player drops out unexpectaedly then a robot will take their place until such time as that player rejoins the game.  
If you or your partner/visitor are playing in a Devizes BC tournament for the first time, it is essential their BBO username, EBU number, first and surname, email address and contact phone number are sent to Pete Webb ( at least two hours before the start and before you register.

Here is a step-by-step guide to registering successfully for games.

  • Check you have sufficient funds in your BBO account.  Go to log in and go to the home page.  You account status will show bottom right of screen in yellow.
  • Agree with your partner a time between 5pm and 6.45pm and both login to BBO at that time (Please note that the TD cannot promise to get you into the game if you try to register in the last 15 minutes before the game start time).
  • At the agreed time, go to and log in. 
  • Select “Competitive”, then select “All Tournaments”
  • Type DEVIZES in the search box and select “Devizes Event Title Bridge game ” (the “Search Box” sits at the top right of your screen above the list of Tournaments) 
  • Click on the Title name text of the event and this brings up the Register tab
    • Just one player invites the other.  Do this by typing partner’s BBO username into the space then  click “Invite
    • Now partner will receive the invite and will click “YES” to accept.
Once registered you can both go offline, or move to the CASUAL area of BBO.
REMEMBER - You must be logged back in, online and in the Competitive area of BBO before the game start time AND no later that 6.55pm.  When in the Competitive area you will see the number of pairs already logged in and a clock showing a count down to the start time which will be at 7pm or very shortly afterwards.  At 7pm the first hand will appear on the screen along with your opponents.  Enjoy!
We will be playing nine x 2 board or six x 3 board rounds and should finish about 9.15pm.
You will be able to see the results on this website soon after the end of the game.  You can also see them by clicking on the HISTORY tab on the right of the screen at any time during the game.
If you have a problem logging in or registering for a game please contact Richard Banbury (the TD): via private CHAT message to vebu201571 or call him on 07753 239830 
Pete Webb may also be able to help prior to the start time.  He can be contacted on 07769 695068.
Don't worry if your connection is lost during play, your place is reserved.  The TD may put in a temporary robot while you try to re-connect.  Re-establish your connection and login again and you should be taken directly to your seat.  Any problems re-connecting contact Richard Banbury as above.  Other players at the table can also contact Richard via the “Chat” function  by using his username vebu201571.  
Other players at the table may need to tell the TD if you cannot.  Players should use the “TD Call Button”, located on the top left of your table – three white lines in a blue box on most devices.

Good luck.

Useful videos for first time and experienced players on Bridge Base Online (BBO)
Useful videos for first time players on Bridge Base Online (BBO)
If you have yet to play on BBO and would like to do so then before you start you will need to get a username:  Getting a BBO Username
Then become familiar with the BBO site:  Familiarise yourself with BBO.
Next learn how to join a game with a partner:  Join a game with someone you know.
You can also set up your own table for exclusive use by you and three friends:  Create your own table on BBO
Note that after a recent BBO upgrade if you want to play a Casual game.  All players must log on to BBO and then select the Casual button.  More info here.
Buying BB$ so you can enter EBU or Devizes BC tournaments:  How To Buy BB$
On BBO you should self-alert all bids your partner would alert or announce playing face-to-face bridge:  Self-Alerting on BBO.
Those already playing on BBO may find these videos useful.  
Compare your results with how others did with the same hands.  Compare your results with others.
How to enter one of the four daily EBU tournaments.  Entering an EBU Tourney on BBO.
Set up a table to practice bidding with your partner:  Practice your bidding
Setting up your own Teams of Four match:  Play a Match Between Two Teams of Four
What's on this week and Forthcoming Events
Face-to-Face Bridge 
Thursday mornings at Nursteed Centre
Please arrive by 9.35am for 9.45am start.
Every Friday evening at the Nursteed Centre
Please arrive by 6.35pm latest for 6.45pm start.
BBO Online Duplicate Pairs
Every Wednesday starting at 7.00pm.
Please register for the game between 5pm and 6.45pm.
We cannot guarantee inclusion if you register after 6.45.
Need a Partner?  Please contact Ann Baker or Anne Rogan here


Duplicate Pairs
Nursteed Community Centre
Director: Evelyn
Scorer: Jane
Duplicate Pairs on BBO
Scorer: Peter Webb
Duplicate Pairs
Nursteed Community Centre
Director: Pete
Scorer: Alan
Duplicate Pairs
Nursteed Community Centre
Director: Pete
Scorer: Jane
Duplicate Pairs on BBO
Scorer: Peter Webb
Duplicate Pairs
Nursteed Community Centre
Director: Vicki
Scorer: Nigel
14th Mar 2025
Chairman's Cup - AGM
Nursteed Community Centre
6.35pm for 6.45pm
19th Mar 2025
Duplicate Pairs on BBO
6.45pm for 7pm start
20th Mar 2025
Club Championship #2
Nursteed Community Centre
9.30am for 9.45 start
21st Mar 2025
Duplicate Pairs
Nursteed Community Centre
6.35pm for 6.45pm
26th Mar 2025
Duplicate Pairs on BBO
6.45pm for 7pm start
27th Mar 2025
Duplicate Pairs
Nursteed Community Centre
9.30am for 9.45 start