The Edinburgh No fears Bridge Club
The site where all the action happens and Scottish Acol kicked off!
Live No fears pairs
Director: Derek Sanders
Online No fears pairs
Director: Derek Sanders
Live No fears pairs
Director: Derek Sanders
Online No fears pairs
Director: Derek Sanders
How to register for online No Fears BBO events

1) Login to BBO with your partner.

2) Go to competitive.

3) Click all tournaments.

4) In search type stdomingo.

5) Enter you partners name and click invite.

6) Your partner will receive an invitation and accept

7) When the Tourney starts you will be automatically taken to a table.

8) Good luck and have fun!

Release 2.19r
BBO Sunday evening pairs tournament and the live Friday evening pairs at the Carlton!

Hazel runs the Carlton BBO Sunday pairs tournament. Its great fun 24 boards, eight three board matches. Meanwhile Neil does the 'live Friday evening event' at the Carlton. No need to be a member, everybody is welcome for both! Not to mention the superb catering on Friday. So please come along!

Relaxed and friendly Bridge
Please contact  me to play the online BBO No Fears or Live tourney! Everybody welcome!

Edinburgh No Fears Bridge club help line.

Phone 07930144819 or use the form belowsmiley.

The Live 6:45 Thursday No Fears!
The Live 6:45 Thursday No Fears!

The 'live' Thursday No Fears pairs is a relaxed 24 board tourney held in room 1, Carlton Bridge club. Jane Mawdsley provides excellent catering. Please note its a 6:45 start time. If you are running late, just phone and i will reserve a table. Everybody welcome, parking is right outside the card rooms, so super easy access. Let me know if you need a partner its, great fun!! 

Meanwhile if you fancy some online bridge, please login, its on BBO every Tuesday 7.00! See below for more details.

Guidelines and rules for the Edinburgh No Fears Bridge club Tuesday 7:00 BBO tourney.

This relaxed tourney is twenty-four boards of 8 three board matches with an estimated run time of about 2 hours and 30 minutes. Everybody who have attended council classes, private classes and all SBU Bronze players are welcome to join in the fun ($4:00 buy in). Please phone if you have trouble registering (i can fix itsmiley).

1) Please announce your system, for example '12-14 NT, five card spade suit, 3 weak 2's, rev attitude and standard count' is fine.

2) a) If you make a misclick in bidding or play no probs..its easily done and it is 'right and proper' to correct your bid or play. Just request an undo. Note: You are not allowed an undo if you change your mind about an action or lose concentration. When your opponents ask for an undo, you should generally accept. If you are not sure, please call mesmiley and i will give a ruling. It keeps everybody happy. 

b) If you feel an opponent is slow, please be patient. Should the clock start running down, just call me and request extra time.

3) Please alert and explain conventional bids. You explain your own bids, partner cannot see the explanation.  For example, transfers, the Landy convention and Stayman. 

4) Edinburgh No Fears bridge club system limitations: 

 a) The Multi 2D is not permitted.

 b) When you open 1C you must have at least 3 clubs. 

c) Apart from strong 2C and Benji Acol all two-level opening bids must be natural and single suited.

5) Please, as a courtesy to your opponents display your name on personal details. Its nice to know whom you are playing! 

6) The main thing is to have fun and be kind to your opponentssmiley

Note: Sometimes we get a half table so you will need to wait a minute or two. This allows me to substitute in No fears late comers, a player on standby or friends that fancy playing a few boards. Sorry if you start off against a pair of 'Pesky Robots' crying but it gives me flexibility to add players who would normally miss outsmiley

Also, if you get disconnected from BBO and can't get back for a while to keep things going i may ‘sub in a robot’. Anyway, if you are subbed by a robot, don't worry, just hang in there and on your return, you will be reseated to the table for the next dealwink.

This is not an SBU event, and Edinburgh No Fears bridge club rules apply.

A senior world record!
A senior world record!

The Thursday live No fears pairs may well have broken a world record in playing the oldest table ever in Tournament Bridge. The sum of the four players was well over 350 and if you added the fractions (months) came to an astonishing 355 years. 

From left to right...Helen Palmer, Sandra Kerr, Michael Palmer, Peter Sanders.  Great stuff guys!

Tuesday 25th February BBO results summary!

Six tables. Winners were Beryl and Richard, runners up Jim and Irene , 3rd spot going to Anne and Katherine . A very well done themyes.

Meanwhile anybody who does the double cool, that is... winning the Tuesday 'BBO' No Fears and then the Thursday 'live' No Fears in the same week will receive a No Fears winners crocodile 🐊 mug!

BBO master points are awarded to players who finish in top positions. A number appears beside your username, increasing as you accumulate more points.enlightened.


A useful way to show an old fashioned Acol two!

The field had difficulties with the bidding on Board 10 and either opened 4♠ or ended up at the five or even six level in spades missing two aces and a possible K via a different route!

The problem was in the evaluation of the west hand. Brydon felt it was worth a 2♣  opener and Fiona with the ten points sitting east was encouraged and they ended up in 6♠. The slam was swiftly defeated when Andy lead ♣J and John S took his two acesdevil.

Looking at the west cards, to me its the sort of hand you would open an old fashioned Acol 2♠ . Typically a hand with eight playing tricks, so too good for a 1♠ opening and 3♠ rebid or a four level pre-empt,  but still not quite enough  for a strong 2♣. My style on this type of hands is to rebid 3NT  as in the illustrated auction. This sequence is seldom used and far more useful to describe a hand that would have opened an Acol two. The 3NT bid is forcing and the east hand that is not control rich expected to correct to 4♠enlightened


The 3NT re-bid shows an Acol two in Spades and is %100 forcing. East can either cue bid a control or sign off in 4 .

Steve stands alone!

Board 17 looked like a fairly straightforward 4 contract for N/S with a combined twenty four points and nine card heart fit. The main issue was the reluctance of many souths to describe their values and make an invitational 2NT rebid after the transfer to hearts. This would allow north to bid the good heart game. Not so for Steve, only he bid 2NT after 2 and now Colin raised to 4 in the the orthodox manner. Well bid themyes

Meanwhile in the illustrated auction a couple of wests dangerously wandered into the auction after the 2 transfer with a 3♣ overcall. Even so, north took a liking to hearts with the good four card support and bid 3. Despite this positive action south with the invitational values passed and game missed.sad

See how west has a reasonable hand and it is understandable the desire to take action, but what should wests plan be? See answer.

West has a good hand and after south bids 2 does best to pass and await developments. The auction is going to come back and should south be weak, will pass norths completion of the transfer. This works out perfectly for west who can now double 2 for take out ensuring their side locate the best possible strain!

Cue bids...Arthurs seat trophy week ending 27th February

Fifteen pairs last week. Very well done the winners in a three way tie Fiona and Julia, Karen and John R along with JP and Tom  wink

Board 9 brought up the interesting subject of the strength of a NT response to a 1 level overcall by partnercool This is quite high frequency and definitely worth a look atenlightened

Meanwhile our auction was not particularly inspiring when I passed Stephens 1NT response thinking it was a bit weaker. Still might well have rebid 2 but found the rather insipid pass, never mindfrown

The question really arises what do the various NT responses mean in this spot? My preference is to categorise them into opening NT ranges. 

1NT = Mini NT 9-11

2NT = Weak NT 12-14

3NT = Strong NT 15-17

Anyway the three star contract was 3NT, only achieved by four pairssurprise Well bid themyes

No fears reminder: when ever you bid no trumps in a competitive auction, make sure you have a stop in the opponents suit because you know what will happen if you don'tcrying !!


4th Mar 2025
Online No fears pairs
BBO 7:00
Director: Derek Sanders
6th Mar 2025
Live No fears pairs
Carlton 6:45
Director: Derek Sanders
11th Mar 2025
Online No fears pairs
BBO 7:00
Director: Derek Sanders
13th Mar 2025
Live No fears pairs
Carlton 6:45
Director: Derek Sanders