Deniliquin Bridge Club
Visitors Always Welcome
Release 2.19r
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10th Mar 2025 11:58 EADT
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March Birthdays

Members celebrating a birthday this month are.

Jane Armytage, Ann Bull, Bonnie Clapham, Meredith Landale and Libby Henderson.

Happy Birthday all.  





Website Issues

Contact Terry on 0428 491 567 or or use the Contact Us Form.

Members subs are now due. $50.00
This is who we are:
This is who we are:

The Deniliquin Skate Park

The recently refurbished skate park is located in McFaull Park

The facility is very popular with younger members of the community.


Sunday Afternoon Social Bridge
Sunday Afternoon Social Bridge


Sunday Bridge (8th December)

A great function to finalize our bridge activities for 2024. 

28 members and guests played a seven round Mitchell session.

The North/South winners Jane Glowery and Prue Lloyd.

The East/West winners were Leigh Carroll and Rulie Steinfort.

Congratulations to both pairs

The full results are now available on the web site.







About Us
About Us

The Deniliquin Bridge Club is a very friendly club which was formed in March, 2014 and affiliated with the Victorian Bridge Association in May, 2015 due to its border proximity.

Deniliquin is 4 hours north of Melbourne and 90kms north of Echuca on the Murray River and was established in 1840 as a crossing place on the scenic Edward River in southern NSW. Deniliquin has much to offer and attracts thousands of visitors each year with its sporting and cultural events such as the iconic Deni Ute Muster on the NSW Labour Day long weekend at the end of September or early October.

The Club moved operations to the Deniliquin Golf Club in 2023 which has spacious facilites and a lovely outlook over the golf course and putting green. The adjoining Deniliquin Golf Resort also provides excellent accommodation for visitors.


Deniliquin Golf Club members and visitors are always welcome to join us on Tuesday afternoons for a duplicate bridge event. Our Club caters for all levels of players and provides an opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded members through the game of contract bridge. The club conducts Masterpoint competitions and provides members with access to the wider Australian bridge community by participating in Australia-wide events.

Finding a Partner

MEMBERS: This website has a great feature to help members find a partner. You can either register your need to find a partner or check to see if another member has already registered to find a partner.

Use the calendar month menu and hover over the session for which you require the partner, enter the members area and lodge your request there. Both of these methods may be used to check for other members seeking a partner.

VISITORS: Always welcome. To ensure your place at a table please contact Terry (0428 491 567) or Meredith (0417 522 788).

Mon 17th March 2025
DGC 5:00 pm
Tue 18th March 2025
DGC 12:45
Mon 24th March 2025
DGC 5:00 pm
Tue 25th March 2025
DGC 12:45
Monday Bridge



Monday sessions will resume on the 11th February 2025.

5:00 pm for a 5:15 pm start. Minimum of 15 boards duplicate play.


Tuesday's Duplicate Session

Tuesday duplicate sessions continue to be played starting at 12:45 for a 1:00 pm start.

To ensure there are sufficient players to run a session with a minimum of 2 tables please confirm your attendance

prior to 3:00 pm on the Monday prior to playing. Contact Terry 0428 491 567 or Meredith 0417 522 788. 


Bridge Club Social Events
Bridge Club Social Events


Just some of the members and guests at the Sunday Social bridge on the 8th December.