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DGC India Open Bridge Tournament 2018
• Welcome

Welcome to the home page of the Delhi Gymkhana Club India Open Bridge Tournament 2018 for Dhampur Sugar Mills Trophy being organised by Delhi Gymkhana Club from 16th March to 18th March 2018.

To view the Tournament Brochure click here. To register your team click here.
For Supplemental Conditions of Contest  click here. (updated 12.03.2018)
• Message from President
  Prashant Sukul,

I welcome all participants to our annual bridge fiesta. The Delhi Gymkhana Club India Open Bridge Tournament is now well into its third decade, and has established itself as one of the favourite venues for bridge players from all over the country to participate in and have fun at.

Over the years, the profile of bridge has been on the ascent in our country and received a real fillip with the hosting of the World Bridge Team championship in Chennai a couple of years ago. In no small measure the rise of bridge has also been connected to the performance of our players on the world stage. We congratulate the India “A” team for bagging the Gold Medal at the recently concluded Commonwealth Bridge Championships in Australia a few weeks ago. Bridge, has also been included as a sport in the Asian Games for the first time and we wish good luck to the Indian teams as they embark on their quest for medals in Indonesia, in a few weeks from now.

Bridge has always enjoyed a pride of place at our club and over the years our members have excelled themselves at the International and National stage - From the Bermuda Bowl, the Venice Cup, and the Seniors Trophy to the upcoming Asian Games, our members have always represented the country proudly. Besides all the glory of national and international tournaments the foundation of bridge at our club has always offered a great balanced bridge diet.

Just as a variety of foods in our daily diet make us healthier, a varied slate of bridge activities at our club make the game more fun and enjoyable. Our daily regular social games are supplemented with monthly pairs and team events and also with our bridge teaching sessions. Finally, as an expression of thanks to the bridge community at large, we hold this three day annual event and welcome players from all over the country.

Holding any event is never an easy task and I take this opportunity to thank the many people associated with the successful organising of this tournament. The main sponsor for this year’s event is Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd. and to them and all advertisers who have generously contributed we owe our thanks. The organising committee of this years event have worked overtime to ensure that everyone has a competitive but fun filled experience and the administrative side of the club has walked the extra mile to ensure Gymkhana hospitality at its best. Finally, we owe the players, our gratitude for participating and enabling us to hold the event in the first place. May this auspicious month of holi bless you with many colourful aces, kings and queens and may you bid the slams that go with them! Cheers, and do have a great tournament.

• Message from Chairman - Indoor Sports Committee
  Col. Mohit Nasa,

We are delighted, to once again welcome you to the 2018 edition of our Delhi Gymkhana Club India Open Annual Bridge Tournament. The event, has become an integral part of the Bridge Federation of India’s tournament calendar, and with bridge being included as part of the Asian Games the tournament takes on added importance this year.

In our continuing endeavour to move this tournament from ‘good’ to ‘great’ we are trying to include more and more activities around the event. This year, for the first time we are publishing this souvenir, and we hope you will take time out to read and enjoy it. The editor assures me that as folks leaf through the pages they will be laughing at the bridge tales and also that their bridge will improve! I do hope his words ring true.

In addition, during the tournament this year, we are launching an initiative in association with the BFI to welcome new bridge players into the sport. Titled ‘Learn Bridge in a Day’, this event is a one day fast track initiative to introduce this mind sport to newcomers and to welcome those returning to the game after many years. Feel free to pop around and see this initiative on the last day of the tournament that is being conducted in our main bridge room. None of this would have been possible without the assistance of sponsors and advertisers at this event. Dhampur Sugar mills Ltd. is the main sponsor of this tournament, and to them and all advertisers who have supported the tournament we owe a big ‘Thank you’.

The General Committee of the club have always been encouraging to promote all forms of sport within the institution, and have always supported our initiative to enhance the standing of this tournament. Overseeing the administration of the event has never been an easy task, and we owe a big applause to all the folks behind the scenes, who work so tirelessly, to ensure what we hope will be a memorable experience for you all. Coming from an army background all I can say is that if all wars were fought on the bridge table the world would be a far more peaceful place! The planning, execution, ambushing of the opponents on the bridge table does bear a similarity with battlefield operations!

And with these words ‘Good Luck’ and may it rain ‘picture cards’ in your hand as you take your place on the table. Enjoy yourself and do have fun!

• About Delhi Gymkhana Club

The Delhi Gymkhana Club is one of the oldest Clubs in India. It moved to its present location on the 3rd July 1913. It was then called the “Imperial Delhi Gymkhana Club” and Mr. Spencer Harcourt Butler was its first President. When India gained Independence in 1947, the word “Imperial” was dropped and it was simply known as “Delhi Gymkhana Club”.

Gymkhana club or the Imperial Delhi Gymkhana club had it humble origins in July 1913. In the initial years, the Polo Club was seen as a part of Gymkhana Club until it was achieved off as a separate entity in the 1930s when the Polo Club moved to New Delhi. The history of the Delhi Gymkhana Club’s origin is not well documented and it is only after 1927 that the club’s history starts getting recorded.

The Gymkhana Club in New Delhi was built at its current address in the early 1930s. The contract for building was given to architect Robert T Russell whose other two building become landmarks in the city: The Connaught place and the commanders-in-chief’s residence, later known as Teen Murti House the residence of prime minister Nehru. Russell was keen that the design of the new structure should complement the bungalows that were coming up right across the road. His drawing of the main building, the residential areas, and even the servant quarters reflect the spartan yet the majestic building set amidst green lawns. In fact, Russell remained involved in the Club’s management and refurbishment until the 1930s as a member of the general committee. The coming up of a new structure that was contracted to one of the two big contractors of New Delhi, Sir Teja Singh Malik, saw the main building take shape with a gravel path in front and a swimming bath close to Safdarjung Road.