Club 52 |
Welcome to Club 52's website.
We play Duplicate Bridge on Monday evenings.
Duplicate bridge is both on line (BBO) and Face to Face at Bakewell TownHall,
Members must be present in the Town Hall or registered on BBO by 6.35pm to facilitate prompt 6.45pm start.
Results will be published on the Club 52 website. Results will be shown for each stand alone session and as a combined session.
The results will also appear for your section, on your "MY EBU" page of the EBU website.
Anyone without a partner should ring Stuart Sutton before arriving at TownHall so we can do our best to arrange a partner for the evening..
XMAS Playing Dates :-
23 Dec BBO as usual but no TownHall
30 Dec NO BBO and No TownHall