Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Emergency Contacts
The Club landline number is 01242 522502,  but in the case of an emergency please call 07515 398027 (Pauline Sanderson) or 07787 148152 (Lesley Harrison)

Cheltenham Bridge Club
is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Registered Charity No:   1188825


Did you know?
Did you know?

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Website managed by Fiona Biddle and Linda Barratt.  Contact via email


The new Friday 13.45pm is now a permanent addition to the calendar.

As you probably know the GCBA has been running a session face-to-face at the club on Monday evenings, first and third and fifth of the month.   They are now expanding upstairs with a parallel 9-High teams competition. This is a good opportunity to gain experience of playing teams. All 9-High members are welcome!



For full details to click on: Congress 2024 Information

 The winners of the competition held on Tuesday 14th May are 

Gillian Carwithan and Veronica Chidgey and

Allan Sanis and Tony Hill

How to Play  - Interesting hand from Friday 21/06/24

Click here for full information

The Spring Competition Winners are:

 Ashok Kwatra Cup  Alastair Jollans & John McCaffrey  (View)
 Ceri Rees Cup Malcolm Free & Simon Gowers  (View)
Well Done All  Norah Allen Cup Malcolm Free & Simon Gowers  (View)
 Ro Kaye Cup Ian Melvin & Wendy Melvin  (View)

Youth Bridge Sessions at CBC

Enrol your Child/Grandchild and enjoy a break or come and watch or play with them.

Click Here For dates of sessions, further information and photos.

See here for a news article about our Youth Bridge initiative.

How to Find a Partner for a Particular Game

Click Here to view the guidelines or look for "Find a Partner" under "Information" on the Menu.

Play Bridge at Cheltenham Bridge Club

Play Online or at the Club  

Click a button to find out more

Please pay using your club account, and check the Calendar to see if you need                            to book partnership seats in advance.

See and talk to your partner and opponents. Standby provided. Pay using your                                                 club account.

Options for finding a partner

Looking for a partner?

Online Etiquette

Irregularities at the Bridge table

Online visitors are welcome - Application Form

How to pay into your account to play RB or at the Club.


How to book if required.

  Learn to Play Bridge  

CBC offers courses for beginners and for those wishing to improve. 

Click on this link to see the programme for 2024/5:




CBC Regular Events 

Our regular sessions at the Club, on BBO, and RB (RealBridge)

Club  Mon 10:00 - Next Steps
Club  Mon 13:45 - Pairs 
B    Tues 10:00 - Gentle Pairs - *DS
Club  Tues 19:00 - Pairs - with standby

Clu  Wed 19:00 - Gentle Pairs - *DS
BBO   Wed 19:30 - Danish Pairs *

Club   Thursday 09:45 - Gentle Pairs- *DS
Club   Thursday 13:45 - Pairs

Club   Thursday 19:00 - Pairs   

Clu  Friday 13:45 - Pairs
Club   Friday 19:00 - Pairs -  with standby  

* Danish Pairs is a little different from F2F Swiss Pairs, but similar principles i.e. you will play against those with a similar score. Open to all members.

* DS indicates that the regular director at these sessions will be happy to act as a standby. 

Pairs League is currently running from February until June.

The Monday morning session is “Next Steps”.
This session aims to help learners and new players transition to regular Club duplicate sessions through card play.
Sessions will be relaxed and welcoming, come along and have fun.

Mondays: 10:00 to 12:30
Fees: £3.50 for members and £5.50 for non-members.

We also have Leaderboard competitions to find the top players and partnerships over a 3 month period.

The role of website editor, which has been held by Pauline for a long time, is being taken over by Fiona Biddle. Fiona realises she has very big shoes to fill! If you have any ideas for the website, please contact Fiona on 

If you are interested in learning bridge please  Click Here  to read why we would encourage you to play bridge

The programme for beginners / improvers lessons, Year 3, Tweak to Transform and Aspirational Players is available here. Bookings will be taken from 1st September.

Come and join us it will be fun!

New to Cheltenham or returning to Bridge

Cheltenham Bridge Club has much to offer.
Please contact Nicola Renshaw to find out more.


Have your own Convention Card

Have a look at the "Useful Links" menu item. There are links to a Convention Card which is in line with the systems taught by CBC's teaching team.
There are links to both .pdf and a .docx version, for those who might wish to modify it for their own partnership agreements.

Leader Board Winners

Quarter 2 2024

🎉 Congratulations 🎉

Bob Bannister (Danish)

Simon Kane (Gentle)

Ashok Kwatra  (Open)

Arun Nanda & Toby Roberts (Pairs)



Club Gentle Wednesday 1900
Director: Alan
Scorer: Alan
BBO Danish Wednesday 1930
Director: John Skjonnemand
Scorer: Linda Barratt
RB Gentle Tuesday 1000
Director: Teresa and Pauline
Scorer: Linda Barratt
Club Pairs Tuesday 1900
Director: Ro Kaye
Scorer: Linda Barratt
Club Pairs Monday 1345
Director: Helen Nightingale
Scorer: Alan