The Central Mass Bridge Association
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Feb 13, 2025 06:38 CST
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We've created a tab for documenting CMBA history with photos.   If you have a photo(s) of people or events relating to the CMBA or member clubs (active or defunct) that you'd like to see on the web page, please send them to and include a note identifying the people, approximate date and if possible event.    Most of the pictures we have only go back to 2018 so any older pictures would be especially appreciated.

President's Message 2024

Bridge Is Alive and Well in Central Massachusetts!!!

Happy New Year Everyone! Bridge in Central MA is thriving. We have new members who are playing, some joining the ACBL, and others not joining, and the Board is completely filled. I am so happy to write that there is a game offered every day during the week and we may start to play two unit games on Saturday each month beginning in the spring. We are planning a Team game in March and discussing other different games in the future. 

We had a very successful Pro/Am last year which fostered members being acquainted with other members. Maybe another one for fall?

We still need directors and people who will become club managers and owners. In order for bridge to continue, members need to think about becoming more active in club responsibility. Please speak to me about this issue and I will be happy to guide you.

Our highly frustrating, wonderful game is beneficial in so many, many ways! Talk to people you know and encourage them to learn to play. They will enjoy meeting all the wonderful members of the Central Massachusetts Bridge Association.

My thanks to every member for your ideas, support, compliments, complaints and all other subjects that you talk to me about. Do not ever hesitate to call me about any issue. I will be very happy to speak to you. 

Thank you. 

Welcome to The Central Mass Bridge Association
Valentines Sectional February 1-2

CMBA was well represented at the joint sectional in Johnston, RI 2/1 & 2/2.  These are some of the people from CMBA who attended the event:

From Sunday

From Saturday

Last updated : Feb 6, 2025 07:53 CST
Players' Corner

Players’ Corner is a new monthly feature which spotlights a CMBA player who tells how they got involved in playing bridge.

Send Denise ( your story of what got you started playing bridge to get it featured in a future column. Don’t think you have a tale to tell? Denise will help you come up one!

Player’s Corner kicks off this month with Jean Berg’s account of her journey from whist to duplicate.

For a homesick 17-year-old freshman at UMass-Amherst back in the early 60s, the choice to join a sorority was a good one. There were the friendships, the comfort of belonging to a small group on a huge campus — and the food that was so much better than at the dining hall.

Every night as the sisters gathered in the living room to wait for dinner, someone would inevitably call out, “Fourth for bridge?” Then the cards would be shuffled and soon there’d be four sisters sitting on the floor playing bridge until the dinner bell rang.

I must have shown some interest in the game, because one night when a “fourth” couldn’t be found, one of the players asked if I played bridge.

Al and Jean Berg

“Well, I know how to play whist…”

“Great,” she said, quickly pulling me down to the floor. “Let me just show you how to count your points.”

And that’s how I became a part of the sorority’s before-dinner bridge group. And while I loved playing the hand, I can’t say I ever learned much about bidding.

Fast-forward to 1980, and I’m a divorced mom of two, and Al Berg, a colleague that I didn’t know that well, has asked me out to dinner. But I did know one thing about him.

“Don’t you play bridge?” I asked.

And right there, over the steak and potatoes, I got my first lesson on something called “Duplicate Bridge.”

“It takes out most of the luck,” he said, and began to explain how bridge boards worked.

By Christmas, we’d been dating about six months, and Al asked if I wanted to go to the annual holiday dinner and bridge game put on by Bill Goesch for his Cavendish Bridge Club.

“Oh, god, I can’t play bridge with THOSE people,” I said, but he assured me there were aways a couple of tables of whist players.

“You and I can play whist.”


Bill was a pair short for his 20-table bridge game, when he spotted Al on the other side of the room getting ready to play whist.

“Al! What the heck are you doing over there? I need another pair!”

“Jean’s never played duplicate, Bill...”

“Does she know how to play bridge?”

“Well, yeah, but…”

“Ah, she’ll be okay! You’re at Table 3.”

And as we crossed the room from whist to bridge, Al was hurriedly reminding me not to toss my cards into the middle of the table and which way to turn the won/lost tricks.

I was terrified for the entire game… but two hours later when the travelers were collected and scores calculated, we had come in 3rd East-West!

I was officially hooked.

The next day I asked him to teach me how to bid properly.

“Okay,” he said, “let’s deal some cards…”

It’s 45 years later and I’m still not sure I’ve learned to bid properly (and Al is often sure I haven’t!) but duplicate bridge has become our lifelong form of mutual entertainment.

Last updated : Feb 2, 2025 09:35 CST
Intro to Bridge Course

The American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) and the Central Massachusetts Bridge Association (CMBA) are sponsoring a 10-week Intro to Bridge course in the Worcester area. Classes will be on Thursdays from 4-6 PM beginning on Thursday February 20, 2025, running through April 24 and will take place at the Worcester Country Club, 2 Rice Street, Worcester.

The course is tailored for new players and those looking for a refresh on the basics. Students will learn the mechanics of bridge, bidding and play, and they will play hands beginning in their very first class. Each class is designed with about 1/3 instruction and 2/3 interactive activities and play, reflecting ACBL’s "learn by doing" philosophy.

The $150 fee for the course includes a 120-day free guest membership to ACBL, which gives students access to a wealth of resources for the course.

Please read the course flyer which contains more information about the course including methods of payment; you can also email Mike Roman at with any questions.

Last updated : Jan 24, 2025 12:29 CST

WELCOME to the Central Mass Bridge Association, or CMBA Web Site. CMBA is Unit 113 of the ACBL, American Contract Bridge League. Membership is open to all Central Massachusetts contract bridge players who enjoy this challenging, competitive and mind-stimulating card game.

The Greater Worcester area has several games every week at four locations. See below for upcoming games.  Click on the CLUBS in Unit 113 in the upper left hand corner for a list of all clubs with associated club information.

NEWCOMERS are always welcome at CMBA bridge games. Some clubs provide partners if a player arrives 15 minutes before the scheduled game time. To ensure that partner can be provided, please call the club contact, listed under "Clubs". 

DUPLICATE BRIDGE is similar to party or rubber bridge games. Most games are stratified which allows players of similar experience to compete with one another playing the same cards in each session.


Wachusett Bridge Club (NLM) 12:00 PM Holden Senior Center - 1130 Main Street, Holden
Gardner Bridge Club 12:30 PM Westminster Senior Center - 69 West Main Street, Westminster
Grafton Bridge Club 9:00 AM Grafton Senior Center (Crafts Room 1st Floor) - 30 Providence Road, Grafton
Worcester Bridge Club 12:45 PM Auburn Senior Center
Last updated : Aug 1, 2022 08:11 CDT

♠  ♣    If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the information on the CMBA Web Site, please contact Roland Galibert at ♠  ♣  

Updated 01/21/2024 by Roland Galibert

Last updated : Feb 14, 2024 13:45 CST
Club Announcements

CANCELLATIONS 2/13/2025, 2/17/2025, 2/20/2025:

The weekly Thursday games in Grafton have been cancelled for February 13 AND February 20.

In addition, the weekly Monday game in Holden has been cancelled for February 17.

Upcoming Regional and Nearby National Events

Upcoming Unit Game


The next unit game will take place on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 1 p.m. at the Auburn Senior Center, and will be a pairs game.


(14th May 2024)
2025 Unit Game Schedule


Date Event Type Location
March 8 Open pairs Auburn
April 5 Open pairs Auburn
May 17 Open pairs Auburn
June 14 Open pairs Auburn
June 28 Swiss Holden
July 12 Open pairs Auburn
August 9 Open pairs Auburn
August 30 Swiss Holden
September 13 Open pairs Auburn
September 20 Pro Am Holden
October 4 Open pairs Auburn
October 18 Swiss Holden
November 8 Open pairs Auburn
December 6 Open pairs Auburn

Please note:

  • Games in Auburn (open pairs) will be at the Auburn Senior Center and will start at 1:00 p.m.
  • Games in Holden will be at the Holden Senior Center and will start at noon.
  • There is no unit game in February due to the joint sectional with Rhode Island (details forthcoming).


2023 Mini McKenney and Ace of Clubs Winners


Category - Mini McKenney -
Most masterpoints in clubs
for last year
- Ace of Clubs -
Most pigmented masterpoints
in clubs for last year
0 - 5 Matthew Vea Matthew Vea
5 - 20 Joan Longcope Joan Longcope
20 - 50 Paul Brodeur Paul Brodeur
50 - 100 Mark Killilea Mark Killilea
100 - 200 Bonnie Knapp Ronald Dionne
200 - 300 David Boulay David Boulay
300 - 500 Raymond Oglesby Raymond Oglesby
500 - 1000 Jeff Xiao Joseph Sackett
1000 - 1500 Eric Xiao Charles Rossi
1500 - 2500 Michelle Blanchard Bruce Tedford
2500 - 3500  Rene Frayman Jeffrey David
3500 - 5000  Anand Lele Paul "Tony" Wolf
5000 - 7500 Harris Jacobs Harris Jacobs

Congratulations to all our winners!!!!

Congratulations to the Following Unit 113 Members for Achieving New ACBL MP Ranks! 


August 2024 Unit 113 Rank Achievements Report


NEW BRONZE LIFE MASTERS Joan Kuklinski Worcester MA US


Unit Leaders in Virtual Masterpoints


Player Category
Bonnie Luks 5000 - 7500
Anand Lele 3500 - 5000
Rene Frayman 2500 - 3500
Michelle Blanchard 1500 - 2500
Michael Roman 500 - 1000
John Lukach 300 - 500
Ernie Peabody 200 - 300
Bonnie Knapp 100 - 200
Dwight Wilbur 50 - 100
Edward Newcombe 20 - 50
Sara Buckingham 5 - 20
Bonnie Hirsh 0 - 5

Congratulations to all!
