CBAI South Eastern Region
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Welcome to CBAI South Eastern Region
Regional Teams




2 PM

All Grades are Most Welcome.   

Please email to enter

Regional Pairs



See results section 

Regional A Pairs Winners
Regional A Pairs Winners

Melwyn Godinho Regional President and John Phelan, President Elect, CBAI

with Regional A Winners Celine Smyth and Anne Kearney

Regional B/Novice Pairs Winners
Regional B/Novice Pairs Winners

Melwyn Godinho Regional President and John Phelan, President Elect, CBAI

with Regional B Prizewinners Cian Cox and Sarah Murphy and MIchael and Tim Lennon

Phelan for President
Phelan for President

John Phelan, Waterford who was nominated by the South Eastern Region as President Elect of the CBAI at the AGM in July 2024. John will take up the role of President of the CBAI for the 2025-26 season.


Bridge Lessons in Wexford / Waterford Autumn 2024

♠  Beginner's Bridge Lessons in Co Wexford / Waterford  Autumn 2024  ♣ 


Beginners Lessons starting in Gorey Adult Education on Wednesday September 25th 7-9.30pm.

Contact KerryAnne O'Connor on 087 9583168 for details


Liz Whelan from Bunclody  is holding lessons in the old school in Ballon on Tuesday nights from 7.30 - 9.30 starting Tuesday 17th September.

Ballon is relatively convenient for both Tullow & Bunclody.

Contact 087 6450867


Starting in Wexford Bridge Centre on

Monday Sept 30th, 10.30am


Tuesday October 1st, 2024 – 7pm

Full series of lessons followed by a mentored introduction to club play. 

To Book - Contact: Jim Doyle 086 3619911



Beginners Bridge Lessons Waterford

Started Tuesday September 3rd

Tuesday mornings 10.30-1pm, Teachers Centre, Newtown Road, Waterford.

Contact Lucy Phelan 086 8275192


Fun Teams Winners
Fun Teams Winners

Congratulations to the Wexford team of Trevor Murphy, Michael Lennon, Marguerite Sweetman and Eric Pinacqui who won the CBAI Fun Teams.

They are pictured with Gordon Lessels CBAI President and Frank Kelly (Trophy donor)

Regional AGM

Regional   AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the CBAI South Eastern Region will take place in

Waterford Bridge Centre on Friday May 17th 20024 at 7.30pm

All CBAI members are invited to attend

JJ Murphy Trophy Runners Up
JJ Murphy Trophy Runners Up

Well done to Tim Lennon and Mixchael Lennon, Runners up in the National Final of the JJ Murphy Cup for Novice  Pairs. (Pictured with Martin Brady, Vice President CBAI)

Cooper Cup Prizewinners
Cooper Cup Prizewinners

Congratulations to Pawel Turczynowicz, Collette Maher, Trevor Murphy and Maurice Brosnan,  Winners of the 1st Session Prize in the Cooper Cup (pictured with Gordon Lessells, President CBAI)


Regional Master, A and B/Novice Teams

The Regional Master, A and B/Novice Teams competition was held in Wexford Bridge Centre on Sunday 28th January 2024. 


  1. Rosaleen Glasheen, Neil Breheny, Pat Breslin and Peggy Holden
  2. Katherine Lennon, Johanne Powell, Clare Doyle & Jim Doyle

Inter A

  1. Kerry O’Connor, Mary Darcy, Anne Kearney & Celine Smyth

Inter B

  1. Liam Healy, Timmy Kehoe, Tim Lennon & Michael Lennon
  2. Mick Cropp, Orlagh Murphy, Maureen Roche, Margaret O’Leary
  3. Paul Fellowes, Fintan Clarke, Jackie Owens, Martin Buggy

National Finals in Loughrea Hotel and Spa on Sat/ 23rd Sunday 24th March


Brtidge Lessons Waterford Autumn 2023

Beginners Bridge lessons start in Waterford Teachers Centre, Tuesday Septemer 19th at 10.30am.

Contact Lucy Phelan 086 8275192 for details.

National Prizewinners
National Prizewinners

Congratulations to Kate O'Donnell and Liz Murphy who came second in the National Novice Pairs Championship for the JJ Murphy Trophy


Well done also to Pawel Turczynowicz and Trevor Murphy who won the Best Intermediate Prize in the Lambert Cup

Regional Teams Winners

Master Teams (Qualified for Kelburne Cup): Katherine Lennon, Johanne Powell, Sean Connor, Jim Doyle

Inter A Winners: Trevor Murphy, Teresa Cowman, Clare Doyle, Mary O'Donoghue (pictured)

2nd: Tom Bolger, Joan Bolger, Eamon Purcell, Bobby O'Dowd

Inter B Winners:  Martin Buggy, Mairead Lafferty, Margaret O'Connor, Valerie Donnelly

Phelan wins Revington Cup
Phelan wins Revington Cup

Congratulations to John Phelan, Waterford who won the Revington Cup National Mens Pairs Competition) in partnership with Diarmuid Reddan, Limerick

Pictured with Pat O'Mahony, CBAI President

Paul Porteous Presentation
Paul Porteous Presentation

Representatives from the South Eastern region of the CBAI made a presentation recently to Paul Porteous to mark his retirement as CEO of the Association.

Pictured with Paul are Jim Doyle, Lucy Phelan and John Phelan

Regional AGM

The South East Region AGM took place in Waterford Bridge Centre on Friday September 16th.

CBAI General Secreary Dermot O'Brien was in attendance. 


Bridge in Wexford Bridge Centre

Mondays:     Wexford Club has resumed:  Mondays at 7.30pm

                        Wexford 78 Club resumes Monday Sept 12th at 7.30pm

Tuesdays:     Tincone Club Open and running since October 2021

                        Menapia Club resumes Tuesday Sept 13th at 7pm

Wednesday:            Teachers Club Open and running since October 2021

                        Raven Club resumes Wednesday September 14th at 7pm

Thursday:     Slaney Club Open and running since October 2021

                        Tuskar Club resumes Thursday September 8th at 7pm

Friday:           Afternoon bridge up and running. Starts at 2pm

Bridge Tournaments with a ‘Local Interest’ on BBO -UPDATED


Friday 7.30 Waterford Friday & Friends (was called Tramore & friends). Open to all. 21 boards.  Please contact John Phelan 087 2413399 CBAI 125566

Wexford & Friends on BBO finished on August 29th, 2022. Thank you for your support.

Tuesday 7.30pm  Waterford 08 Club & Friends Novice & Intermediate players only. 18 boards. Now finished. Thank you for your support.






Burke & O'Connor Trophies

Reminder about the IBU Burke (Masters) and O’Connor (Intermediates) Teams competitions virtually on RealBridge this weekend. Three sessions, two on Saturday, one on Sunday, with an 11 a.m. start on both days.

The RealBridge links will be on the CBAI website  (and on Fearghal O’Boyle’s website) and you’ll need to call the office on (01) 4929666 to pay for your entry. The table money is €80 per team.

Fun Bridge

Funbridge has just started an individual daily CBAI game that you can enjoy on your own at any time of the day.

This new game is free to CBAI members for a month – during the week – from 15th February; you will need to pay a small fee if you play at the weekend, and all the time once the month’s trial is finished.

CBAI will award Master Points to the  players on their results, based on the numbers playing each day. will give you some starting information on Funbridge

Attention all BBO Players


Message to all those playing online on CBAI BBO platform

to be communicated to all players and published on club websites

Because of the prevalence of unethical and dishonest behaviour by a small minority of online bridge players, the CBAI has asked the club to remind you about requirements for ethical behaviour at all times. There are daily reports of people perceived to be deliberately CHEATING when playing online. All members should be in no doubt that the CBAI is taking this issue extremely seriously and there will be consequences for anyone found to be cheating.

Club TDs or Online Managers should endeavour to ensure that all players are aware of what actions as acceptable and which are definitely not – e.g. providing explanations in the chat area for partner to see as well as opponents is NOT acceptable, the alert area only should be used.

Clubs playing on the CBAI platform are required to note the following:


All players must enter their real names in their user profile. Preferably enter both names but a Christian name only is acceptable


If visitors are playing in a club the club must have the visitors’ CBAI affiliation number


No unaffiliated players may play on the CBAI BBO platform


Local Master Points will be awarded in accordance with the CBAI Master Point Scheme for all events.

The following instructions to be issued to all people playing on the BBO CBAI platform -

Whether you are playing in your local friendly club or you are representing your country you must adhere to the international rules of bridge.




All those wishing to play on the CBAI BBO platform must

a) Confirm to their club that they have read this document.

b) Ensure that the club has their CBAI NBID number

c) Enter their REAL NAME in their bridge profile on BBO – Christian name is acceptable if you don’t want to give your full name.

d) Ensure that they always play according to the rules of our game

Those who have concerns about the actions of another CBAI member should raise them with your TD or Online Club Manager and should not make public accusations or insinuations on social media.





Having another person kibitz and pass on information to you



Phoning/contacting partner during play



Communicating with partner when playing in the same house/room. Showing your hand, asking for a lead, suggesting bids



The Tournament Director or BBO Online Club Manager is required to forward details of any unethical behaviour to CBAI Head Office, who will undertake a full investigation of any alleged wrongdoing.

If Unethical behaviour is proven, the players will face suspension or expulsion from CBAI and notification of same to International Bridge Organisations


Waterford’s Grandmasters

Congratulations to the newest additions to the ranks of Irish grandmasters, as Lucy and John Phelan become the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth individuals, and the second married couple, to attain the most elevated level in Irish bridge.

The pride of Waterford, Lucy and John have won most of the major Irish championships. As a pair, they have won the Spiro Cup (National Mixed Pairs) twice, the IBU Pairs and the Moylan once, and have featured on four Coen Trophy (National Mixed Teams) winning teams. In addition, John has been victorious in the Revington (National Mens Pairs), and Lucy in the Jackson (National Womens Pairs)and the McMenamin (National Womens Teams).

A friendly and engaging couple, they are generally very popular opponents – and would be a lot more popular if you could even occasionally manage to get a good score against them! The behaviour of married couples at the bridge table often attracts attention for the wrong reasons; Lucy and John had the distinction of being written up in The Spectator, no less, precisely because of their courtesy and understanding in a situation where they had combined to miss an opportunity in defence.

Together, they represented the CBAI in the Camrose Trophy, while Lucy has played for Ireland in the Lady Milne on several occasions, and they have travelled to various open championships, where they have represented us with some distinction. In addition, both have made a contribution to the development of future bridge players, in Lucy’s case as a teacher, and in John’s as a mentor to some of our promising juniors.

Lucy and John’s elevation to grandmaster will be marked at the next face to face major competition by presenting them with silver salvers on behalf of the Association.

Ireland’s newest and Waterford’s first Grandmasters Lucy and John Phelan

Waterford’s Grandmasters
Play Bridge online on BBO (Bridge Base Online)

Play Bridge online on BBO (Bridge Base Online)

If you would like to play bridge online but need a little assistance to get started, logging in and finding your way around the BBO site, you can text Jim Doyle (Wexford County Development Officer)  on 086 3619911. I can call you back at a mutually suitable time and guide you through the steps.

Interesting Bridge Sites  is a site ( mainly US based ) which has discussions on various bridge topics. Also has an intermediate forum. has an explaination of all the bridge conventions you will ever need (and many others you wont!)

Bridge Help

Hi. Hope you all keeping safe.

Looks like we will not be seeing each other across a bridge table for some time yet.

I am going to post details of some bridge related sites you may find interesting.

Jim Doyle Wexford CDO

Bridge Quizzes

Bridge Quizzes for All levels

This is a link to some Bridge Quizzes on the Balbriggan Bridgewebs site.

Quizzes are ideal for Beginners, Novices and Intermediate players who want to both learn and improve their bidding.

The answer sheet has support information with each answer.

The system is Acol, Weak No Trump and 4-card suits.

There are two separate quizzes, one for Beginners and Novices and one for Intermediate and above.

The Quizzes are on the left hand side of the Home page.

The answers for Quiz No.1 are on a separate sheet below Quiz No. 2 and answers for Quiz No.2 are below Quiz No.3 etc

Thanks to Seamus Costello, Balbriggan

Like to try playing a few hands of bridge online??
Like to try playing a few hands of bridge online??

 No setting up / No downloading / No logging in / No cost

Using your internet search engine find

bridge base online - play online bridge

Enter the site and you should see


Move the cursor over the bottom left part “Matchpoints” and click the red “play” button.

You may need to try getting in a couple of times as the site is quite busy these days!

You can play any amount of hands you like.

The basic system is 15-17NT and 5 card majors.

If your robot partner becomes declarer, you will end up playing the hand.


Important Notice

URGENT Update from CBAI & IBU

Response to Covid 19 (Coronavirus) Threat

At meetings on Saturday 7 March, the CBAI Governing Council and the IBU Emergency Committee decided, with regret, to postpone all national competitions scheduled for the months of March and April, as a prudent measure to avoid large gatherings and to protect the bridge playing population, which by its demographic is an at-risk group, against the threat of the Covid 19 virus (“coronavirus”).

Specifically, this means the postponement of the following scheduled competitions: IBU Burke and O’Connor Trophies (14/15 March), CBAI National Pairs Championships (Davidson, Laird, and Civil Service Trophies, 21/22 March), IBU Moylan Cup (4/5 April), CBAI National Confined Championships (JJ Murphy, Lambert, and Cooper Cups, 18/19 April), and CBAI National Teams Championships (Kelburne, Bankers, and Tierney Trophies, 25/26 April). The second scheduled weekend of the IBU Mixed Trials (28/29 March) and the IBU Seniors Congress (21/23 April) will go ahead, unless advised to the contrary.

Regions and clubs can decide for themselves what policy to adopt in relation to their own events, including congresses, which typically tend to be smaller in size than the national events. If a congress committee decides to postpone or cancel a congress, please let us know so that we may reflect this fact on our website.

The CBAI and IBU will review the situation at Easter, in light of developments on the coronavirus in the meantime, and will issue an update at that point. It is hoped to hold the postponed competitions over the summer, assuming (a) that the threat of the virus has been contained at that stage, and (b) that suitable venues can be found. Please be assured that this decision was not taken lightly; your delegates felt that, given the current guidance from the medical experts, the risk involved in holding large gatherings of card-players was simply too great.

We will also be writing to clubs in the coming days to advise them as to best practice to combat the threat of the coronavirus. All the essential information and guidance is set out on the HSE’s website. In particular, we would draw your attention to the advice to wash your hands properly and frequently, to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze, and to avoid making contact with your eyes, nose, or mouth if you hands are not clean. In addition, if you are concerned that you may have contracted the coronavirus, the protocol is that you should telephone your doctor, not call to them or to a hospital. In that case, you are also obviously advised not to attend gatherings such as bridge clubs.

Regional Pairs

The South East Region Master, A and B/Novice Pairs competitions took place in

Waterford Bridge Centre on Sunday December 1st, 2019.

Congratulations to the winnners in each section.

See results in the results section

Qualifiers from the Region will take part in the National Finals in the

Hudson Bay Hotel, Athlone Mar 21 & Mar 22, 2020


MIixed Pairs and Teams Prize Winners


Prizewinners from the SE Region in the recent Spiro Cup  (Mixed Pairs) and Coen (Mixed Teams) were 

Spiro Cup:  6th John & Lucy Phelan

Coen Trophy: Margaret Cunningham was on the team which won the Best Area Master prize


Heartiest congratulations to the Waterford/Wexford partnership of Sean Connor and Jim Doyle who were the popular winners of the CBAI National President's (Mr. Neil Burke) Prize - Duais an Uachtarain - which was contested by a bumper field of 119 Pairs in Westmanstown over the weekend. Congrats also to Waterford's Rosaleen Glasheen & Neil Breheny who won the 3rd Area Master Prize at the same event.  Well played all.

3rd in EBL Cup

Well done to John and Lucy Phelan who finished 3rd of 100 pairs in the EBL Cup 2 at the European Championships in Turkey.


Charity Bridge

Thanks to all those who supported the Charity Bridge Afternoon in Wexford Bridge Centre

on Sunday September 22nd at 2.30pm

in aid of the Wexford Branch of the Alzheimer's Society.

Regional President

Congratulations to

Larry Mordaunt from Waterford 

who has been nominated as the

President of the South East Region

of the CBAI for 2019-2020. 



Heartiest congratulations to the Waterford/Wexford partnership of Sean Connor & Jim Doyle on winning the very prestigious Arklow Cup today. These lads are in great form this season having recently finished very close Runners Up in the Nationals Pairs Final (Davidson Cup).  Congratulations also to Waterford's Tina Nolan & Trevor Phelan on winning the prize for Best Intermediate A pair in the same event. Well played all.

National Prominence

Well done to

Sean Connor and Jim Doyle who came 2nd in the Davidson recently in Athlone

John and Lucy Phelan finished 3rd in the Moylan held in Malahide

Lucy Phelan partnered Dolores Gilliland on the CBAI team in the Lady Milne Trophy at the Dublin North Hotel

Web Site

Welcome to the website of the South Eastern Region (Wexford and Waterford) of the CBAI. 

Double for Lucy

♥ Congratulations to Lucy Phelan who completed a great double recently by winning the National Ladies Pairs (Jackson Cup)in partnership with Anna Onishuk.

She played with Dolores Gilliland the following day and in partnership with Brid Kemple and Siobhan Part the team won the National Ladies Team Championship (McMenamin Bowl).♥ 

Interprovincial Success

A number of players from the South East Region featured on Munster and Leinster teams in the Interprovincial Championship held in the Cavan Crystal Hotel on Nov 17/18.

Sean Mulvaney, Margaret Cunningham, Maria Jackman and Mary Daniels formed one of the three Munster squads which won the Area Master competition.

John and Lucy Phelan were on the Munster team which finished a very close second in the Masters competition.

Shay Tuohy, Grainne Tuohy, Maureen Carroll and Elizabeth Morrissey formed one of the squads on the Munster Intermediate A team which finished second.

Imelda Dunne and Mary O'Donoghue were on the winning Leinster team in the Intermediate A competition while the Leinster non playing captain was Jim Doyle

Bridge Lessons

Bridge classes will be starting in a number of venues in the coming weeks.

Beginners Classes commenced on September 28th in Waterford Bridge Centre.

Friday mornings 10.30-12.30. For more information contact Rosaleen Glasheen 086 3484962


Beginners Classes will commence in Wexford Bridge Centre on Tuesday October 16th at 7.30pm.

For more information contact Michael on 087 0622281

Moylan Cup Winners

Congratulations to John and Lucy Phelan who won the Moylan Cup, the All Ireland Bridge Pairs Championship.

The event was played in Malahide Bridge Club on the weekend of April 7th/8th.

SE Regional B/N Pairs Dec 1st
Regional Master Pairs
SE Regional A Pairs Dec 1st
Monday Pairs
sunday lessons Pairs
Slaney Club
Slaney Club