About Us |
Welcome to the web site of the Bega Valley Bridge Club (Inc.) We are a small club (50 members) located on the far South Coast of NSW. The club was formed on 4th April 1989. We play three days each week (Monday afternoons, Tuesday evenings online and Friday afternoons) and we welcome visitors to all of our sessions. Click here for further information.....
Bridge for Improvers |
The popular "Bridge for Improvers" sessions will recommence on Thursday 20th February (Online). Login via the link in the Member area.
Survey |
At the AGM it was resolved that members be canvassed on several issues.
- Are you interested in attending an (on-line) Directors Course?
- Are you interested in doing defibrillator training. Limited to 10 participants. Note: It is highly desirable that attendees undertake basic First Aid training.
- Are you interested in becoming a Scorer?
- Would you like to see more interclub visits with SCBC?
Survey now closed. Please respond by text or email.
Recipe of the Week |
From an idea by Dave, this will be a regular feature.
Please email me your favourite recipe and I will feature a new one each week. It can be a link to a website, a .pdf or .doc file or, if it's in Granny's recipe book, just take a photo of it.Click here to go to latest recipe
Handicap Events |
Friday games are handicapped. Your handicap is based on performance over the past twelve months or so, and is the amount by which your score will be adjusted (for pairs will be the average of each player's handicap). This puts everyone on an equal footing and provides the opportunity for any pair to win, irrespective of skill level. Handicaps are dynamic and are regenerated each time a new event is played. Click here to view your current handicap
Coming Events - Congresses etc. |
10th February: Visit from SCBC
Check CALENDAR for Red Point events, AWNP, AWP etc.
15th - 16th March: Batemans Bay Congress CLICK HERE for information
5th - 6th April: Sapphire Coast BC Congress CLICK HERE to enter
6th July Country Teams Regional Final (online proposed) iwhich qualifies 2 teams to the Zonal, hopefully online 3 August, both of these dates have to be confirmed.
30th November (Sunday) Country Teams State final (Real Bridge).