The Alpha Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2025
Currently only Friday sessions are being held.
This situation will continue to pertain until further notice.
News Page
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar"
  Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held on Friday, 11th October at 1.30 pm. There were 21 members attending.

The Honorary Secretary had circulated the minutes by e-mail but the items of importance are as follows:

In view of the reduced membership, Sally Ollington proposed that the quorum, which currently is 15, should be reduced to 8. This was unanimously agreed.

The post of Vice Chairman has been filled by Len Bird. This was also approved unanimously.

Denise announced that the Festive Christmas Get-together would be on Friday 6th December at 1.30. The change of day and time is due to the fact that there is now no bridge on Wednesday evenings. The majority of members now play on a Friday afternoon. More information on this topic can be found on this page under the heading Christmas Get-together.

Christmas Arrangements: See  see separate section under this heading on this Page..


  Choose 'Primary Club'

Further to the item below on updating your details on the EBU  website, we have been asked to make sure that members also indicate their 'Primary Club'. Several members are members of and play in more than one club and the EBU needs to know which is their 'Primary Club'. This can be done by clicking on to their personal page, then my Club membership and then click the star under 'Primary'. This only applies to members who are members of several clubs.

  Updating Members' EBU Details


It is in members’ interests that the personal details that the EBU holds for them on its records are up-to-date. It is also helpful if members can provide the EBU with an email address so that important communications from CountyAssociations, which are currently sent out by post, can be sent electronically, thereby helping to keep costs down. We are therefore asking clubs to encourage their members to check that their own details are correct. You may wish to provide your members with the following instructions:

Checking your EBU membership details

It is a good idea to check that the EBU has the correct personal details for you on its records which will ensure that your magazine and diary are delivered to the correct address. You can do this most easily online through your own personal members area on the EBUwebsite. If you do not have Internet access at home, you might ask a friend or family member or someone at the club to help. Local libraries also offer free access to the Internet, and the staff are usually very helpful if you are not familiar with its workings.

Logging in to the EBU members area

In order to log in to your members area on the EBU website you will need your EBU number and password. EBU membership cards and passwords were sent out to all EBU members with the June 2010 edition of the EBU magazine English Bridge, or on joining the EBU if that took place more recently. If you have lost your password, see below.

  1. Go to the EBU website at
  2. Click on the 'Member Login' button at the top left
  3. Enter your EBU (User) number and password – note that passwords are case sensitive
  4. Click on ‘Login’
  5. Click on ‘My Details’
  6. Update your details
  7. Please provide an email address if possible. Your email address will not be passed on to any third party.
  8. The EBU may on occasion forward third party advertising material. If you do not wish to receive this, please untick the box marked ‘Receive Non-EBUMailings?’
  9. Click on the ‘Update’ button
  10. Check that everything is correct
  11. Click on the ‘Logout’ button

Note that if you wish to change your primary County of Allegiance, you will need to call the EBU on 01296-317225 or 01296-317201.

If you have lost your EBU password

A) If your current email address is registered with the EBU:

  • Go to the EBU website at
  • Click on the 'Member Login' button at the top left
  • Enter your EBU (User) number
  • Click on 'Forgot Password?'
  • An email with a new password will be sent to the email address we have registered for you. Please note that if the email address is out-of-date or inaccurate, the email will not reach you.

B) If your current email address is not registered with the EBU, send an email to or call us on 01296-317200.

(Note that some overzealous spam filters will filter out email messages from the EBU, so it is always a good idea to check your spam messages for a reply if you haven't received one within an hour or so.)

C) If you do not have email and wish to register a change of postal address,please call the EBU on 01296-317200 or write to Membership Department, EBU,Broadfields, Bicester Road, Aylesbury HP18 8AZ

  Various announcements

General Announcement


Due to lack of interest it has been decided that the Wednesday afternoon session have been cancelled. Attendance at this session has been poor for some time and therefore it is felt the session is no longer viable.

On the 14th of February The ABC will be visited by Sue Hutchings who is the President of the Norfolk Contract Bridge Association (NCBA) and she will play a session of duplicate bridge with us. This will be an ideal opportunity to use the new Bridgemates wireless scoring system which the ABC has recently adopted.