We are taking new members. You may download the application form, fill and send it to the secretary for consideration.
click here for more details
Broadcast from Bernard Magee are still available
Please note in your diaries that a Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for Sunday 16 March 2025 in the afternoon. Please register by 2 March for catering.
Further details will follow with the Agenda for the day.
Important - please arrive 10 mins before the start of each session. Be seated as soon as you have picked your table.
REGISTERED but running LATE or CANCELLATION Please call us before 8pm on 07948100142 to allow us to make change tables/movement
CALL THE DIRECTOR. Many problems that the director has to deal with are as a result of players trying to sort things out themselves. We all do things wrong at the table – we revoke, we bid out of turn etc. Many players think they know the rules. The directors do know or at least they know where to look! The director will not mind being called, but will hate having to unravel a situation caused by not being called.
Finally, do not regard an opponent calling the director as a personal slight against you. Remember that the result at your table affects the scores of everyone in the room and the director is there to ensure fairness to all.
We had been offered an opportunity to take part in a free event arranged by Andrew Robson in conjunction with RealBridge. Andrew Robson is an international player who regularly represents England, a highly regarded author and the Bridge correspondent for The Times (of London).
We organised the four sessions during March and April 2021
To review the boards played during these training sessions look under RESULTS.
Click below for link to Andrew Robson's BRIDGECAST on the topic: Weak 2s was on Sunday 28th March 2021 at 11:30am ------ SPLINTER BIDS: Andrew's webcast click here For more information https://www.bridgebum.com/splinters.php ------ Fourth Suit Forcing: For more information:Andrew's webcast click here https://www.andrewrobson.co.uk/article/articles/394 https://www.bridgebum.com/fourth_suit_forcing.php ------ Counting and Card Placement For more information:Andrew's webcast click here
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